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Bell OH-58 Kiowa

The Bell OH-58 Kiowa is a family of single-engine single-rotor military helicopters used for observation, utility, and direct fire support. It was produced by the American manufacturer Bell Helicopter and is closely related to the Model 206A JetRanger civilian helicopter.

The OH-58 was originally developed during the early 1960s as the D-250 for the Light Observation Helicopter (LOH). While the rival Hughes OH-6 Cayuse was picked over Bell's submission in May 1965, the company refined its design to create the Model 206A, a variant of which it successfully submitted to the reopened LOH competition two years later. The initial model, designated by the service as the OH-58A, was introduced in May 1969. Successive models would follow, often with uprated engines, enhanced protection systems, and other improvements, culminating in the OH-58F. Additional improvements, such as the OH-58X, were proposed but ultimately not pursued.

During the 1970s, the US Army became interested in pursuing an advanced scout helicopter, for which the OH-58 would be further developed, evaluated, and ultimately procured as the OH-58D Kiowa Warrior. The OH-58D is equipped to perform armed reconnaissance missions and to provide fire support to friendly ground forces; it is equipped with a distinctive Mast Mounted Sight (MMS) containing various sensors for target acquisition and laser designation. Another visible feature present on most OH-58s are knife-like extensions above and below the cockpit that form part of the passive wire strike protection system. The early-build OH-58s were equipped with a two-bladed main rotor, while the OH-58D and newer variants have a four-bladed rotor.

My notes:

- A lot of the videos are from Barundus. He has a lot of great content on the Kiowa.

- Looking forward to the DCS Kiowa by Polychop.

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original (2).jpg06/15/23 17:0915/06/233.5 MiB[Download][Save]
Short pan of cockpit MFDs [yCuQfT2zTPo].webm03/31/20 00:3531/03/201.9 MiB[Download][Save]
1-25th ATK BN (Kiowa Warrior) Gunnery [fkw9b2Sr9k0].webm04/25/20 13:4225/04/207.7 MiB[Download][Save]
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Abad Approach [BBwutngz9D8].webm11/07/22 01:1107/11/229.4 MiB[Download][Save]
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2560px-U.S_Army_OH-58D_Kiowa_Warrior_Armed_Reconnaissance_Helicopter_at_Kandahar_Airfield_MOD_45162023.jpg06/15/23 17:0515/06/23993 KiB[Download][Save]
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Kiowa Warrior .50 Cal XM296 tracer [Zg333K_mTrM].mkv04/24/21 20:1224/04/211 MiB[Download][Save]
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Stinger Shot from an OH-58D(I) circa 1999. [x1NcKCUe9f8].webm08/07/19 01:3207/08/196.1 MiB[Download][Save]
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OH-58D_Kiowa_Warrior_helicopters_are_covered_in_snow_at_Bagram_Airfield_in_Parwan_province,_Afghanistan,_Feb._3,_2013_130203-A-IA071-001.jpg06/15/23 17:0515/06/23787 KiB[Download][Save]
Bell OH-58 Kiowa Warrior (2012) [vVUWXge9ljY].webm11/17/18 17:4217/11/1846.9 MiB[Download][Save]
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